Welcome to Feed Me That!
Few things are as universal, as timeless as good food. It is our hope you will find here some recipes to help bring satisfaction to your table.
With more than 60,000 recipes to draw from, finding what you're looking for can be a challenge. Our recipes are organized in two ways: by category and by title word. You can use the search box in the bar at the top of each page to search by category or title word. Each method can yield different results, so if you don't find what you're looking for in one index, try the other one. We provide two master lists of recipe categories: The short list of commonest categories and the great list of all categories. Our commonest category is dessert, with over 7,000 recipes. No attempt has been made to rationalize the categories, so you will find some recipes in the Greek category, for example, which are not in the ethnic or regional categories. There are roughly 1,200 categories.
Each category has many pages of recipes.
When you get to a particular category, you will usually find a numbered list at the top of the page. These are the pages of recipes in the category, typically with 50 recipes on each page. Each of the text links goes directly to a recipe with that title.
The recipes are where it's at!
On each recipe page, each recipe has a list of categories which apply to it. If you click those links, you'll see a list of recipes in that category. Each word in the title of a recipe is also a link. Clicking there will take you to a list of all recipes with that word in the title. My favorite strategy is to start in the short category list and idly click categories, recipes and title words until something catches my eye.
The recipes here have been gathered from shared recipes of the internet and bulletin boards that have been circulating for many years. They were assembled for us by my partner, karmicstorm, and presented by us first as "Pandora's Recipe Box" and later as "Our Recipe Box". We gratefully attribute them to the commons from which they came, to the individuals who first contributed them, and to the multitude of sources from which they drew. We would also like to thank Scott Welliver, whose "Meal-Master" program provided a uniform format for the distribution of recipes.
Oh, bother.
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