Feed Me That logoWhere dinner gets done


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   Fast Pilaf
   Avocado and Cream Cheese Dip
   Blue Cheese Dip with Crudit‚s
   Tahini Dip (Vegan Without the Garnish)
   Low-Fat Dippers
   Orange Hummus
   Roasted Tomato Gazpacho
   Southwestern Gazpacho (Cafe Terra Cotta)
   Moussaka with Rice #3
   Aubergine & Sesame Pate
   Vegetable Kabobs
   Briami Mystras (Multi-Vegetable & Herb Casser
   Tempura Vegetables
   Kiwifruit Daiquiri
   Zesty Fruit Salad
   Blue Corn Muffins with Cranberries
   Pineapple-Orange Muffins
   Sour Cream Pineapple Muffins
   Sourdough Mexican Muffins
   Spiced Carrot Muffins Hastings House**
   Eggplant Parmesan *Reduced-Fat*
   Tofu Steaks with Pineapple Salsa
   Yellow Split Pea Soup
   Saloon Pickled Eggs & Beets
   Melanzane Sott'olio (Lightly Pickled Eggplant
   Mushroom Ketchup
   Hot Dill Pickles
   Dill Pickles (Hunt)
   Nimbu Pickle
   Pickled Tarragon Baby Carrots
   Zucchini and Carrot Pickles
   Warm Broccoli and Potato Salad
   Tofu Potato Salad with Dill
   Jalebis (Deep-Fried Pretzel-Shaped Sweets)
   Light Lemon Pudding Parfait
   Peach Pudding
   Yellow Mung Bean Pudding
   Cheese and Lentil Pudding
   Apple & Rye Bread Pudding
   Mushroom Quiche
   Veggie Quiche
   Refrigerator Corn Relish #1
   Hot Red Sambal
   Yuca's Vegetarian Paella
   Pad Thai - Vegetarian
   Spicy Tofu
   Galloping Horses -- Vegetarian Version
   Hot & Sour Mushroom Soup (Tom Yam Het)
   Cold Noodles with Pineapple