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Title: Molasses Pudding
Categories: Dessert Traditional
Yield: 1 Servings

1/2 Package raisins
1/4cHot water
2 1/2cFlour
2tsMixed spice

Sift together flour, spice and ginger. Cream together butter and sugar. Add molasses. Mix well, then add vanilla, milk and raisins. Blend together well. Put the 3 tsp. soda in 1/4 cup hot water and add to above mixture. Combine sifted ingredients with liquid mixture. Put into wet pudding bag. Boil constantly for 3 hours.

Comments: "The history of the above recipe is not really well known to me, but I do know that it is quite old. It was used on many occasions, like at church suppers and bazaars. It was served to the people for dessert after a hot supper. Usually a hot sauce was poured over it. Our grandmother and great grand-mothers served it numerous times to their families and it certainly was enjoyed by all and helped keep them healthy and happy." from Mrs. Eric Williams, Garden Cove, Placentia Bay, Newfoundland

from FatBack and Molasses, 1974. From: Lletton@iglou.Com (Lucy Letton) Date: Sat, 28 Oct 95 20:38 Edt
