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Title: Lancashire Hotpot
Categories: Entree Lamb British Offal Vegetable
Yield: 6 Servings

2lbBest end neck lamb** chops
6 Lambs' kidneys
1lbOnions; thinly sliced
2lbPotatoes; peeled & "" ""

NB **. Mutton was the traditional meat used for this, if you can find some, use it, but extend the cool cooking time until it is tender.

Using a deep casserole - the traditional kind is glazed dark brown and made in a flower pot shape, with a rim and lid - put the meat and vegetables into it in layers, seasoning each layer with salt & freshly ground black pepper. Finish off with a nicely arranged layer of overlapping potato slices. Pour in enough water to come halfway up the pot and brush the top layer of potatoes with melted butter. Cover and put into a hot oven, 400-450F (200-225C, Mk 6-8), for about half an hour, then reduce the heat to 275F (140C, Mk 1) and leave for 2 1/2 hours. Take off the lid after 2 hours, so the potatoes can brown.

Recipe Jane Grigson "English Food" MMed IMH c/o Georges' Home BBE 2:323/4.4

From: Ian Hoare Date: 01 Feb 97 National Cooking Echo Ä
