Title: Squirrel Soup (Ai)
Categories: Game Soup
Yield: 1 Servings
Throw the squirrel's body on hot coals to singe off all the fur. Skin the
body, cut off the feet and head, clean the inside and wash the body well.
Let the body soak overnight in water to cover, to which 1/2 tsp. salt has
been added. Boil about 10 minutes, then discard this water. Boil in fresh
water about 2 hours or until done, and cool. Bone, and cut up the meat into
small pieces, saving the broth. Cut up one small onion and 1 large or 2
small potatoes and add to the broth, Return the meat to the broth also and
cook until vegetables are done. Season to taste. This is an old-time
recipe. In today's cooking, one may add whatever vegetable you wish to the
soup. SOURCE:*Mrs. Amelia Williams, Tuscarora, Iroquois Cookbook SHARED BY:
Jim Bodle 10/92 Submitted By BILL CHRISTMAS