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Title: Hot Buttered Cranberry Cider
Categories: Beverages
Yield: 2 Quarts

1/3cButter; not margarine
1/3cMild honey
1tsGround ginger and cinnamon; mixed
48ozCranberry juice cocktail
  Cinnamon sticks; optional

Prepare the honey/butter mixture by blending softened butter, honey, and spices. This may be done ahead and refrigerated. When ready to serve, combine cranberry juice cocktail and cider (add fresh lemon or orange juice, if desired). Bring to boiling or heat in a party percolator. Have butter mixture beside the pot.

To serve, put a small spoonful of honey/butter in each mug or heatproof punch cup. Fill with hot cranberry cider. Stir w/cinnamon stick, if desired. Yield - about 2.1/2 qts.

Source: Joyce Rosencrans, Scripps Howard News Service (St. Pete Times, 11/3/94) :: MM by Sue Woodward
