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Title: Spotykach (~stumble-Maker :)
Categories: Beverages Alcohol Slavic
Yield: 1 Quart more

1kgBlack currant berries

Sort out the berries carefully, wash, dry out on towel, place in enameled bowl and crush by wooden pestle, then fold in linen sac in order to separate all juice. Boil dense syrup from all sugar and water (remove continually foam). Add black currant juice in prepared syrup, boil once again. Remove from heat, add vodka, stir well, place on small heat. Let berry liqueur thicken - but: stir continuously and DON'T boil. Then cool "spotykach", pour it into bottles, cork and keep in dry cool place.

Typos by Waclaw Eismont, 16/Dec/1997. Samara, Russia
