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Title: Garam Masala Spice
Categories: Indian Spice
Yield: 1 Servings

1tbCardamon seeds
1 Stick cinnamon
1tsCumin seeds, roasted
1tsBlack pepper
1/2tsNutmeg, freshly ground

Into a hot cast iron frying pan, put the cumin seeds. Toss for about 30 = seconds=20 and remove seeds.=20

Mix spices together and put into grinder and grind to fine powder.

Put into glass container and let stand for at least 2 days before use.

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NOTES : This spice is available ready-made in Indian stores.

Recipe By : Jasmine's Kitchen - Karachi

From: Wight@odc.Net Date: 08 Jun 97 Chile-Heads List Ä
