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Title: Bbq [Smoker] Salmon 1
Categories: Bbq Smoke Fish Salmon
Yield: 4 Servings
1 | Salmon |
Cut the Salmon into 2 filets with the skin still on. Find a container big enough to lay filets flat so that they can be covered with the following cure/marinade for 3-6 hours. Once you find that and are ready to cure make a 50 / 50 mix of Bernstein's or Newman's Italian Salad Dressing and DRY white wine and COVER filets in their entirety for 3 to 6 hours or overnight if it's not to long.
Fire up the Pit, get the temp around 230-240 and Q for about 3-4 hours, depending on how dry you like your smoked salmon. I use cherry wood without the bark for fuel. After it has Q'd I bring it in, cool it down and put in fridge to chill. It will last up to 3-4 weeks in fridge if you cure it like that. I've never had one last that long though. I'm doing good if a 20 lb'r last 2 days! It is also quite tasty warm. Try it both ways. It's excellent. It also helps if you have 10-15 samples of some of Oregon's finest Microbrew Beers to wash it down. Have fun, let us know how it turned out.
My neighbor who is a chef at on of the fancy restaraunts downtown tried it and wanted me to fix it as main course for his place. If I can ever get one of the offset pits on a trailer out here to Portland, I might do that. I think it would be fun. I'm just using a SnPP now.
From the Great Northwest Doctor "Q" Mark Qualman
From: Bbq@listserv.Azstarnet.Com
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