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Title: A Squid Dish for Days of Abstinence
Categories: Seafood Entree Medieval
Yield: 1 Servings
SQUID DISH - 1475 |
Boil the squid. Crush what is good in a mortar.
Prepare a paste of almonds with rosewater strained through a sieve; or, if you can't provide this, use the juice of peas or white chickpeas. Crush together small grapes and five figs. Mix a little rock parsley and a little fresh marjoram leaves. Add as much cinnamon, ginger and sugar as is necessary. Mix these well with whites of eggs so that they will stick together and cook better. With the mixture well greased, and with a crust above and beneath, set it on the hearth at a little distance from the flame. Sprinkle sugar and rosewater on the cooked mixture. This dish assails all the members.
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